Not enough snow to ski so spent most the time with loppers doing some trail maintenance, but I did get to Rudy’s Flat where I found about 15 inches of snow. Good to see the moose are back . . .but for how long? Seems like the word gets out quickly and the hunters descend for an easy hunt. I’m not a hunter but where is the sport in this? The moose are always in the same spot, they are nearly tame due to the hordes of bikers and hikers along the North Canyon Trail, so their natural fear of humans seems to be minimal, and one can approach closely with out much worry. Like shooting carp in a barrel.
I skied down the North Canyon Trail and destroyed my skies (see rock on ski in photo below). When I reached the double track I gave the skis some mercy and took them off, strapped them to my pack and hiked down.